Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight , For that Flawless Skin!

Eliminatinge Acne as Quickly as Possible

Acne is not just a problem for teenagers, but can strike anyone at any age. Sometimes it seems as if acne decides to rear its head at the worst possible times. The night before the big presentation, you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror and see a zit starting to form. Just when you are getting ready for a date with that cute guy, there is a brand-new pimple.

Learning how to get rid of acne overnight is important if you want to make sure that you skin stays clear and looks its best all the time. While a healthy skin care regimen will reduce the number of outbreaks you get, it can’t eliminate the possibility of acne entirely. Sometimes you need some tips for getting rid of your acne as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, zits and pimples do take time to heal, so it is hard to eliminate them completely in just a few hours. There are spot treatments that you can use to shrink them and make them heal faster, however. For example, put a drop of lemon juice on a zit and leave it there until the next time you clean your face.

Lemon juice is a natural astringent that tightens up your pores. It is also highly acidic, so it can help to kill off a lot of the bacteria that are causing your acne. It can also lighten your skin so that the redness of your outbreak is not so apparent.

Tea tree oil is a great natural skin care product that, when used on a regular basis, helps to keep your skin healthy and prevent acne outbreaks. If you already have acne, try putting some tea tree oil on it after you have washed your face. Doing so is one way howto get ridof acne overnight.

You may use lavender oil in aromatherapy, but it can also be an effective skin care treatment. Take an eye dropper and apply a bit of this oil directly to your acne, letting it soak into your skin. Repeat this as frequently as you want during the day until your acne starts to clear up.

A tea brewed from leaves of fresh basil is another quick and natural way to help your acne clear up more rapidly. Pour boiling water over the basil and let it steep. Be sure to cool it off before you apply it to your skin to avoid burns. Use a cotton ball to put it on your acne, or use it as a treatment for your whole face.

Witch hazel is another excellent astringent that can tighten up your pores and help your acne clear up more quickly. It can also help to kill off the bacteria that is responsible for acne. Use it on your face after you have cleaned your skin in the morning or evening.

Knowing how to get rid of acne overnight is important if you want to look your best. Try these safe, natural treatments to eliminate acne as quickly as possible.